
About this woman writer, blogger

            Hi I’m Celena, I’m a mom, I have three, beautiful birth children, all born at home, and three step children that I sent off to the woods with bread crumbs because we were running low on finances.  Just joking.  There were six at home in a busy house and a seventh that visited now and then.  Now I am down to one and will officially experience empty nest big time in about one year.
         Let’s see, what else.  I had my first child when I was twenty.  My last two children have a different dad from the first, which means I’m great with keeping up with statistics; One in five U.S. moms has kids with multiple dads (I just googled that).

            When I was a teenager I massaged my friends for a hobby.  I would drive to their houses in the evenings, massage them, make them tea, and read them bedtime stories. Not your average teen.  I lusted after my older friend’s station wagon that had a bumper sticker that said; Mom’s Taxi on the back. I so wanted to be her, to wear flared jean skirts, have lavender and other herbs drying in my kitchen, maybe be a midwife like her, and perform witch craft with a Mormon base… talk about idealistic.  I was her sixteen-year-old live in nanny, and she would refer to me as,              
            “My adopted older daughter, Celena.  She comes from a broken home, but we’re helping her out, she’s like family.” She always said that in a silky, I’m so smug, and fantastically liberal sort of voice, but her mom from Texas would hear none of it, responding with, 
            “She’s black, and she’s just the help.” To which my friend’s father would chime in with,
            “And you can’t trust them.”
            But I digress, back to lusting.  I also lusted after running strollers.  I wanted to be that mom that ran along West Cliff in Santa Cruz, my baby in the stroller with the big wheels. Getting back to the fact that I’m a massage therapist, I do exactly what I used to do, minus the tea and bedtime stories. And people pay me.

            My other hobby as a child was writing.  I wrote reams of stuff.  Every month I pay $66.00 for a storage unit that is filled with boxes of my writings from my youth, can’t bear to part with the rubbish.  By the way, I’m not British; I just lived on Maui for sixteen years and in Hawaii they say rubbish; now using the word garbage feels strange to me. Like I was saying, I wrote reams of stuff.  I was the sort of kid that read several novels a week, wrote thirty pages a day, and never did her homework.  I graduated high school because I grew up in the Regan era when anyone could graduate then, even if you grew up in a cult where teachers were randomly assigned to subjects that they knew nothing about.  Unfortunately, I don’t know where anything is geographically, my youngest daughter corrects my grammar, and I even told a client the other night that a billion was a million million. Oh well, such is life.

            Here is my plan.  I would like to swap my two passions.  I want to write for a living, and go back to driving to people’s homes to massage them as a hobby. 

            So at long last, Da, Da, DAdum! I would like to introduce you to my very first independently, published YA, fiction, horror, novel, set on Maui! It’s called The Visitors.

            Please buy my book so I can move out of Inglewood.  I hope you enjoy it and that it scares the living $&#* out of you.  If not, and you only found it lukewarm, I want to hear about this too.  Like I said, I’m taking my writing seriously now, and need to know what I can improve on to entertain you.

            Also look for my second novel coming out in the next three to five months about a teenaged, Halfling, witch who gets involved in a born-again-Christian cult.  You will see through getting to know me that I have commune issues.

            Happy reading!

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